University Heights United Methodist Church
Discipleship and Discussion Groups
UHUMC hosts a number of discussion groups community members can join and take part in. Please browse the list below for groups you'd be interested in joining.
Shalom Class
Led by Chris Wilson, this class includes studying a particular book of the Bible, watching a video, or discussing the Christian principles found in a show such as Peanuts or Frasier. Or it may be
something entirely different. What is certain is that the Shalom class will be engaged,
supportive of one another, and having a good time.
The class includes a wide range of personalities with members in their late 30s. Some are married while others are single. However, all are young at
heart and anyone is welcome to join us!
Contact Chris at: to join
Sunday @ 10:00 AM
Shalom Class Room, Upstairs Education Wing
The Joy Class
Facilitated by Peggy Richwine, the curriculum varies to include book discussions, biblical characters and books of the BIble. The Ad-a-Link Sunday School class was formed in the early 1950s. A few of the current members have been members since those early years. The ages of our members currently range from 60 to 90+. We welcome all ages to join our fellowship and discussions.
Contact Peggy at: to join
Sunday @ 10:20 AM
Conference Room on 2nd Floor
Seeker's Sunday Class
Led by Sharon Wilson, the format for our time together starts with prayer and ends with prayer. Our lessons are mostly books of the Bible, some special books recommended by participants, special lessons around Christian holidays and Holy Days. Discussion is encouraged. Internalizing the messages to develop a closer relationship with our Lord. Our class is made up of Seniors, married couples, and singles, although anyone is welcome. Occasionally, guests or relatives of members come.
Sunday @ 10:25 AM
Seeker's Room on 2nd Floor
Young Adults Class
A discussion group for young adults. Get to know your fellow community members!
Meet at the messenger room on the 2nd floor. Grab coffee and a snack before the study begins.
Sunday January 26th 2025 @ 10:30 AM
Messenger Room on 2nd Floor
UHUMC Book Club
The next book the UHUMC book club will read is Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks.
Read the description here.
We will NOT meet in February. Readers are asked to find their own copy of the book at the library or through other sources. All members of the church are welcome to read and join in the discussion. Questions may be directed to Marylynne Winslow.
Thursday March 20th 2025 @ 11:30 AM
Messenger Room on 2nd Floor