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Siloam Ministry for Supportive Services


 Named for the pool in Jerusalem where Jesus healed a man who was born blind, the Siloam (Si-loam) Ministry for Supportive Services at University Heights UMC opened Sunday, March 3, 2019. Every Sunday from 9 - 10 am, University Heights Siloam Ministry for Supportive Services offers a safe environment for children from preschool through high school with physical or mental disabilities. This also gives the caregiver the opportunity to worship during this time. University Heights has been working to open its church to all of God's children. To do this, the ministry team has designed a room for individuals as well as trained members of the congregation who have a heart for this ministry and provided technology to this class. 

Anyone who needs this service or would like to speak to a member of our team, please contact the church office at (317) 787-5347 or  Or you can fill out the contact information form here and we will follow up with you. An informational brochure can be downloaded here


The Siloam Ministry utilizes a relaxing and socializing approach with a flexible schedule. Inclusion is important, so the ministry invites participation in Sunday school during the 10 am hour.  Peer buddies are encouraged to help in the Siloam Ministry to facilitate inclusion.

The Siloam Ministry strives to achieve exemplary support for participants through a minimum support ratio of one adult volunteer for every three children. Additionally, a confidential Behavior Support Plan is developed and implemented with the help of the parents or guardian to aid in a successful ministry for all participants.

The Siloam Ministry team is supported by team members with professional experience.  The Siloam Ministry co-leader has 15 years of experience with child education, is an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Specialist, and provided leadership for the Impact 2018 UMC Special Needs Conference Camp.  Additional professional support is provided by a Siloam Ministry team member with a Masters in Special Education, licensed in mild, moderate and intense intervention.

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