University Heights United Methodist Church
We offer our worship service every Sunday at 9 am. Services from previous Sundays are available here. If you cannot attend one of our services, you can listen on WICR 88.7 FM or on Facebook or YouTube. Click here to follow along on the latest bulletin, while listening to the broadcast. If you have missed a Sunday, you can listen to us on Spotify. Just search for University Heights UMC.
Did you miss a service? You can access previous sermons on YouTube, our website or Spotify or Anchor.
Becoming a member of our church family is easy. If you want to be part of our family without becoming a member of the church, you become a constituent of our church. This means you receive the care of our staff and pastor as well as the love and care of all our congregation. Becoming a member of our church is taking the step to commit your life to the universal church through baptism and then to the United Methodist Church through the confession of faith and membership vows.
Sunday Service
Every Sunday at 9 am in the church sanctuary and via Facebook, YouTube or this website.
Sunday School
Every Sunday at 10:15 am
Office Hours:
Mon, Tues, Thurs 9 am - 3 pm